Today, started off kind of crazy. I really must have been tired because I really slept in. I hurried and got myself and Jesee ready for the day. I had to be to Deten's school for a maturation class. I had been to Kylee's a few years ago and it wasn't so bad and I kind of remember mine and it wasn't so bad. I really did not put too much thought into this other than that I knew this was something that I needed to be there for, for my son. Wow, did it make me blush a few times. The instructor just happened to be a close friend and old neighbor of our family. I really do give it to him, he did an awesome job. I won't go into any detail because this is a family blog, but when the little boys would giggle at certain educational things I had to turn my head and bite my lip to keep from laughing. I never remember wanting to laugh at the girls'. I am so glad that I don't have another boy that I have to endure this with. But on the other hand I am glad that I was there for my son. In Vernal they usually have this class in the evening so the parents go with their children. This was held in the middle of class so there were only four parents who showed up to be with their son's and I only noticed three mothers with the girls. I feel that as our children are growing up it is so important for them to understand themselves and changes in their lives as they grow older, so I will always be there for them even in the embarrassing moments to correctly educate them.
After we got done at the school I had to go over to Duchesne to buy some chicken food. The old man that works at the place saw Jesee, usually she falls asleep on the way over so she stays asleep in her car seat while I go in the small feed shop. The man heard me say Jesee's name and asked her if she wanted to see his babies? So we followed him outside and he showed us his baby lambs. Two were twins and the other's mother couldn't produce enough milk. They were so cute. I told Jesee to look at the babies and she kept saying "baby, baby, baby", I tried to get her to pet them because they would lick your fingers but she wasn't that sure of them.
The baby Lambs

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