Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Last Friday I was on my way to Vernal to do some errands and all the sudden it hit me that I really needed to get away. We have not gone anywhere for a long time. We used to go out to Billy's rigs and visit him. I decided that we would hurry and get all the chores done and go to Salt Lake. It was nothing spectacular but it was really nice just to get away for a couple days (thanks, to my brother-in-law for doing our chores while we were gone). On the way out there we figured out that Jesee must have dropped her bottle before she made it out to the truck. We were already passed Duchesne and she was not very happy. I new that we were not far from Fruitland. I was hopping that the IFA would be open to buy some milk and wash a bottle that had been left in the truck. To my luck it was not. I have an aunt and uncle that have a cabin not too far from there. I noticed that their lights were on. I figured if I could see lights I could find my way up there. I did. They were so excited to have company. They have never had anyone just stop in and they have never had any young kids there. My uncle begged us to stay the night, but I told him that we would definitely plan a weekend to come up. My kids had so much fun running their poor dog ragged, just in the hour we were there. After our hour visit that put us getting to the city pretty late. We had a good time at my brothers. We stayed at his house most the time. I really appreciate you Sam for giving us a place to hang out. We will have to do it again soon.

Today I got to spend the day with my mom. We don't get to hang out much. I really enjoyed the day. We went to Salt Lake to a Dr. Appointment for Jesee. She has a little cyst on her forehead. I guess it is really common. We are going to have it surgically removed the beginning of March. The Dr. said that if we leave it, it will get bigger and then it will cause a hole in her bone and they will have to repair the hole. So we decided to take care of it while she is little and the scar will be very small. I am really hoping that Billy will be able to be home for the event.

I want to wish Billy a HAPPY BIRTHDAY tomorrow. I know that it has been very hard for him being out of town. It has been very lonely. He has been sick most of the time and had to spend it in bed in the motel room. But he is finally starting to recover. He has not been able to get out and just explore and drive around because it just rains and snows and you can't see much. Hopefully when the other guys get to go out there for work it won't be so depressing. I am really excited for the summer to come so we can go spend some time with him. Billy, I Love you very much, and I do miss you also.

I almost forgot. I really have felt like I need some changes in my life and I just keep trying to figure out what? Well, I was visiting with my sister and I told her I needed to get the kids' hair cut. Kylee and Kasi wanted to get shorter cuts and Deten just wanted a trim. Well I told Ash that I wanted to do something different with my hair. I get it trimmed, but it just is not doing it for me. She kept telling me do it, do it (to chop it off). So decided to go drastic and cut all my long hair off. Know, I have never had my hair cut short. One time after I had Deten I got it cut below my shoulders and I thought that was drastic. I was really worried about loosing my hair. I am really attached to it. Well anyway, I cut it just above my shoulders. It is layered. It turned out really cute. I worried about it making me look fatter, but it's not too bad. I will post some pictures of our new hair soon. I tried to take some pictures of myself, but I am not photogenic at all. After 25 pictures I still was not happy with any of them.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Monday, February 2, 2009

This past month has been pretty busy. I have spent a lot of time over at grandpa Elmer's helping organize papers and going through different things. But mostly just hanging out and sharing company. It has been really hard for him losing Evelyn. He tries to stay pretty busy, but when he is all by himself it is very lonely. I am very thankful that I am in the position that I can help him.

Kylee, Deten and Kasidee are all doing good in school. They all stay pretty busy on our farm. There is a lot of work to do when they get home from school. Kylee is playing church basketball and she really enjoys playing with the girls in our branch. Deten is going to start wrestling here pretty soon. This will be his sixth year wrestling. Kasidee just does whatever. I really need to get her involved in an activity but it is already hard to do the little things we do with living so far from town and the responsibilities of the farm. Jesee is so much fun to watch learn and grow. We all have so much fun with her. She is so cute and smart. She amazes us every day.

On Saturday the 31st of Janurary was Jesee's 1st birthday. We had a party at the community building with some friends and family. We had a really good time. My kids really like to have fun and Kylee thought she was funny when she was helping Jesee eat her cake and she pushed some of it into Jesees' face. So Ashlee and Britni thought that Kylee needed some cake in her face. So they waited for the opportunity and Britni shoved a slice of cake into Kylee's face while Ashlee was taking pictures. It was pretty funny. I got to clean up the mess and that was not so funny. I think everyone had a good time. My dad made sloppy joe's for everyone and they were delicious. He is a really good cook and loves to do it. So we let him.

The oilfield is really starting to slow down and so many companies are starting to see the effects. Billy has been very lucky with the company he works for. He has worked for them since they started their business and he has always been very loyal. He has always did whatever the top boss has asked of him and it has paid off. The big boss told him that he will be with the company till the very end. Since work is so slow and there is not any work around here Billy is being sent to West Virginia to be a Drilling Superintendent. He will be out there for a month at a time and will come home for a month. It is going to be very challenging but we are thankful he still has a very good job. The kids and I will go out and spend some time with him out there. Of all the places for Billy to go, it is the same state my girlfriend that I have been friends with since the 8th grade has lived for the past 10 years. She only lives an hour from where he will be so I am excited to have the excuse to spend some time with her and her family.