We are so glad this year is over. I hope the New Year brings much better luck. Just an overview of the past year. On January 31st our 4th child was born. Her name is Jesee Joe an
d she has been such a blessing to our family. We love her so much. We were not sure how we were going to handle a new baby but it has been awesome. She entertains us so much. Now we wonder what did we do with ourselves before we had her. We watch every tiny thing she does. We can't believe what our ages has done with our appreciation for life.

In April of this year we had a micro-burst that hit our house and tore all the shingles off the roof ,onto the east side of the house, on top of the garage and horse trailer. It was an expensive mess. Kylee was just getting ready to walk out the back door to do chores and heard a clink, clink, clink and it landed right in front of her. Thank goodness she listened to that little voice, just before she was going out the door she had a feeling to wait a minute before she walked out the door. Kylee called Billy and I and we were in Colorado and said the roof blew off. It was pretty scary.
In July Billy had a very close friend who dove into the green river and broke his neck. He couldn't move his arms to swim out. He just laid there and listened to the friends on the beach hoping that they would notice what had happened and help him. He held his breath as long as he could before he finally passed out. He was there about fifteen minutes before they noticed that he had not moved, they thought he was playing with the kids around him. He was flown to Salt Lake and was there for two months trying to heal. He is doing well but has a long road of hard work be able to walk again. We spent as much time as we could going out and seeing him. I took the kids to see him a few times and he really enjoyed seeing them. Now Billy tries to help take him to Dr. appointments, and do house visits when he is not working. This same friend has a girlfriend staying with him and helping him. In December of 08' she went to go to her mothers house and she was driving in the dark and she hit and killed a man who was jogging on the side of the road. He was a very well known man and leader to many in our community. It was a very sad tragedy. We keep her and the family's in our prayers.
In September Billy went on a caribou hunt in Canada. It was quite the experience. The Canadians definitely like to take advantage of the Americans who don't speak french. In Montreal it was outrageous for everything. A hamburger cost 30 dollars. Once he got to his hunting destination he had a good time. The first camp they went to th
ey did not have much luck. The caribou were not migrating yet. So a few days into the trip they let them move to another camp. There they had better luck. Billy shot two caribou and got some pictures.
In October I totaled my vehicle. It was not a fun experience. I was not hurt too bad. My insurance did not pay for the worth of the vehicle so I get to pay for a vehicle I don't have. But thankful for my brother Storm he just happened to have an extra vehicle and is letting me borrow it till I get a new one. I can't express my appreciation for my family and their unconditional love.
In November I made the very hard decision to move Kasidee and Deten to a different school to be closer to home. It was starting to get very difficult with gas prices and the baby driving to Vernal twice a day. I hate not being able to go to grandma and grandpa Knutti's everyday. We have went to their house every morning for the past four years. It has been very hard on them also. Grandma and Grandpa have always been so helpful and my kids have very special bonds with them both. I am thankful they get to have the same experiences with them and memories that I got to have with them as a child. They are the most awesome, inspirational, unconditional and good examples I would want my children to grow up around.
In December my little brother Storm got remarried to a really sweet girl named Britni. We are really excited to have her in our family. Our family just feels complete.
In November my dad got ordained a High Priest and all of my siblings were there and both sets of grandparents and my dads twin brother Robert were there. It was a really special experience.
Christmas is finally over. I dreaded it coming but it was a lot better that I thought it would be. I am just thankful to have my family.
I am excited for the New Year and I hope we have many good experience.